Sites of Memory: A Symposium on Toni Morrison and the Archive
Lewis Arts complexSites of Memory: A Symposium on Toni Morrison and the Archive brings together scholars, artists, writers, and activists to celebrate, interrogate, and reflect upon the archive in relation to Toni […]
Musicology Colloquium Series: Echoes of the Great Catastrophe: Re-Sounding Anatolian Greekness in Diaspora
102 Woolworth PrincetonDr. Panayotis League will discuss his recently-published monograph, which explores the legacy of the Great Catastrophe—the death and expulsion from Turkey of 1.5 million Greek Christians following the Greco-Turkish War […]
North-East Milton Seminar: “Milton and Monism, Yet Once More”
010 East Pyne PrincetonThe North-East Milton Seminar's 2023 keynote lecture, "Milton and Monism, Yet Once More" will be presented by Stephen M. Fallon, John J. Cavanaugh Professor of the Humanities, Notre Dame University. This […]
Atelier@Large: Conversations on Art-making in a Vexed Era
James Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau Street PrincetonIn a series of conversations that bring guest artists to campus to discuss what they face in making art in the modern world, director of the Princeton Atelier and Pulitzer […]