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Where is the real home?

Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in the Humanities, Kubra Khademi

October 27, 2021 · 12:00 pm · Zoom

Image of a painting

In the patriarchal context of Afghanistan, women have become domesticated through its history. The concept of the home gives full authority to its rulers such as father, brother, and husband; the woman is reduced to property of the owners and heirs, who are still men, in the house. From my personal experience in the broader context of contemporary Afghanistan, the fact that I was sentenced to exile is certainly a consequence of this monopoly of patriarchy, which chased me away because I was interrupting these domesticized roles imposed on women. This is how I was expelled. But the exile offered me the possibility to construct another home. Could the home that had been stolen from me rebecome a home elsewhere?

Kubra Khademi is an Afghan feminist performer and visual artist based in Paris. Through her work, she explores her life as a refugee and as a woman. She studied fine arts at Kabul University, before attending Beaconhouse National University in Lahore, Pakistan. In Lahore she began to create public performance, a practice she continued upon her return to Kabul, where her work actively responded to a male dominated society by extreme patriarchal politics. After performing her piece known as Armor in 2015, Khademi was forced to flee her home country, and arrived in Paris. She continued her performance work in Europe, and developed her practice of drawing & painting, represented by the Eric Mouchet Gallery & her performative works is accompanied by latitudes Prod.

Register for the workshop herehttps://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0of-qhrj8oGdO5Z0yJOda61Nnwp8AYZFGy

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