VISAPUR Lunch & Learn
Visiting Scholars and Artists from Puerto Rico (VISAPUR)
July 2, 2019 · 12:00 pm—1:30 pm · 3rd Floor Atrium, Aaron Burr
Program in Latin American Studies

Join us for a Lunch & Learn to welcome our Visiting Scholars and Artists from Puerto Rico who will be in residence at the Program in Latin American Studies (PLAS) this summer as part of the VISAPUR program. The VISAPUR program continues to provide relief to scholars, students, and artists affected by the catastrophic aftermath of hurricanes Irma and Maria by allowing them to continue their work at Princeton on a temporary basis. VISAPUR support includes a stipend to cover living expenses, office space, access to libraries and other scholarly material, and an opportunity to engage with colleagues at Princeton. Find out more about the program’s initiative (https://plas.princeton.edu/people/visiting-scholars-artists-puerto-rico).
During this lunch, we will welcome the first seven visitors:
María Flores Kearns
Joel Cintrón Arbasetti
Emilia Quiñones-Otal
Isar Godreau
María Torres Bregón
Nelson Mario Pagán Butler
Ricardo E. Gracia-Figueroa
Each visiting fellow or student will talk briefly (approximately 5-10 minutes each) about the project they will be working on while at Princeton.
RSVP here https://bit.ly/2IS3Ibu by Wednesday, June 26.
Lunch will be served. This event is free and open to the public.