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VIRTUAL: Only the Clothes on Her Back: Law, Textiles, and Commerce in the Nineteenth-Century United States

Program in American Studies, Laura F. Edwards

March 30, 2020 · 12:00 pm · via Zoom

In this AMS Workshop, Laura F. Edwards presents from her new book project, “Only the Clothes on Her Back: Law, Textiles, and Commerce in the Nineteenth-Century United States.” The book tells the history of law and commerce in the United States between the Revolution and the Civil War by foregrounding textiles. Textiles figured prominently in the new republic because of their legal status, widely understood at the time, but overlooked in the scholarship. Longstanding legal practices recognized the attachment of clothing to its wearer, which extended to cloth and applied even to married women and enslaved people who could not claim other forms of property. When draped in textiles, people assumed distinct legal forms that were difficult to ignore: they could own textiles, trade them, and make claims to them — which they did, using textiles as leverage to include themselves in the new republic’s economy and governing institutions.

RSVP required to AMStudies@princeton.edu

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