Translating Islamic Piety with Greek Aljamiado: The case of Şânî’s Compendium
University of Michigan William C. Stroebel
September 14, 2020 · 12:30 pm—1:30 pm · via Zoom – Registration Required
Program in Translation and Intercultural Communication

This talk will engage an early codex of Greek Aljamiado—i.e., Greek in the Arabic script: the Compendium of Şânî in the Greek Tongue, written in the mid-seventeenth century. Translating and adapting several Arabic and Turkish sources into rhymed Greek couplets, Şânî wrote this work for his fellow Greek-speaking Muslims, who were otherwise excluded from the Arabic- and Turkish-language scholarly apparatus of Ottoman Islam.
Event registration link: https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIvde-vpj0iGNeUXAS9JZjh0v1TgMM8OQx4