The Temple of Hera at Olympia and Rome
Georgetown University Catherine Keesling
October 11, 2019 · 12:00 pm—1:30 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell House
Program in the Ancient World

The Archaic temple of Hera at Olympia, its cult, and the objects displayed within it were described at some length by Pausanias in the second century CE (Paus. 5.16–20). Modern scholarly inquiry has focused mainly on the possibility that its stone columns were replacements for wooden ones, and on the marble statue of Hermes and the infant Dionysos attributed by Pausanias to Praxiteles. This talk concerns the cult and games of Hera at Olympia and the large assemblage of divine statues inside the temple.
Catherine Keesling is Professor of Classics at Georgetown University. She is the author of The Votive Statues of the Athenian Acropolis and Early Greek Portraiture: Monuments and Histories, both published by Cambridge University Press. Her research concerns the epigraphical evidence for Greek sculpture and, most recently, the afterlives of Greek statues in the Roman period.