The President Who Would Not Be King: Executive Power at Home and Abroad
Stanford Law School Michael McConnell
November 29, 2018 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 101 Friend Center
Tanner Lectures on Human Values
The second of the Tanner lectures by Michael McConnell (Stanford Law School) will address the powers of peace and war, in which he will claim that the president does not have the exclusive power over foreign affairs that the Court attributes to it, a defense of a narrow understanding of the Commander in Chief power, and a moderate interpretation of presidential authority to initiate hostilities.
Commentators: Gillian Metzger (Columbia Law School), Eric Nelson (Harvard University), Jeffrey Tulis (University of Texas at Austin), and Amanda Tyler (Berkeley Law)
Co-sponsored by the James Madison Program on American Ideals and Institutions, the Program in Law and Public Affairs, the Center for the Study of Democratic Politics, Department of Politics and the Department of Religion.