Cura Continua II | The Mercosul Bienal at the Crossroads of COVID-19
February 23, 2021 · 5:00 pm—6:30 pm · via Zoom
Program of Latin American Studies; Department of Art and Archaeology

Cura Continua: Art, Curating, and Practices of Radical Care II
A series of dialogues co-sponsored by the Program in Latin American Studies and the Department of Art and Archaeology
Andrea Giunta, Chief Curator, University of Buenos Aires, CONICET
Dorota Biczel, Associate Curator, University of Houston/Art Institute of Chicago
Fabiana Lopes, Associate Curator, New York University
Igor Simões, Curator of Education, State University of Rio Grande do Sul
Moderator: Charmaine Branch, Art and Archaeology, Princeton University
The word “curate” commonly describes the professional management, selection, and presentation of works of art. But the term’s etymology lies in the Latin curare, meaning to care for, to heal, to cure. This series of conversations underscores the critical significance of these connotations within contemporary artistic practices in Latin America and its diasporas.
Registration required: https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvcOCgqToiG9ZGIZaSE3wrl5M7GK0jQYeQ