The British Empire, the League of Nations, and the Problem of International Investment in Republican China
Georgetown University Jamie Martin
February 27, 2020 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 211 Dickinson
Center for Collaborative History; Program in European Cultural Studies; Humanities Council
The Modern Europe Workshop (MEW) is a workshop series for Princeton students and faculty interested in the study of modern European history. The series provides current Princeton University graduate students and outside scholars an opportunity to present their research and discuss problems and trends in modern European history broadly construed. Workshops may involve either lectures or pre-circulated papers.
Jamie Martin is an Assistant Professor of History. His research focuses on the history of capitalism, modern Europe, and international order. Before arriving at Georgetown, he was an ARC Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Laureate Research Program in International History at the University of Sydney. His current book project, Governing Global Capitalism in the Era of Total War (under advance contract at Harvard University Press), investigates the origins of the earliest international schemes to govern the world’s capitalist economy, which emerged out of efforts to stabilize European political and economic orders in the aftermath of the First World War. His research also looks at the history of the social sciences, and his writings on political economy and European history for a public audience have appeared in the London Review of Books, The Nation, and Bookforum. He originally hails from Cape Cod, Massachusetts.