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Space and Place in Medieval Iberia

July 3, 2018 · 9:00 am5:00 pm · 105 Chancellor Green

Humanities Council and Spanish and Portuguese

The ways in which individuals and societies regard space and place is of paramount importance, a field that has received well deserved critical attention as a result of the pioneering studies of such scholars as Henri Lefebvre and Yi-Fu Tuan.

The investigation of space and place—how cultures turn material and/or metaphysical settings into humanized landscapes defining home, neighborhood and nation—is a fascinating tool that dramatizes social, political and religious theory and praxis. At the same time, it can be used to track the dynamic changes of these realities over time.

Medieval Iberia provides near laboratory conditions for the study of space and place for its unique mix of Jews, Christians and Moors—their architecture, languages, religions, and political

This one-day workshop of scholars seeks to explore a variety of responses to space and place in Medieval Spain from our exciting 21st-century perspective: from artistic, historical and literary representations to amulets, to contemporary cinematic remediations, digital explorations and even 3-D CAD modeling recreating Celestina’s neighborhood.

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