Critical Approaches to Race and Ethnicity: Premodern Identities and the Trans-Atlantic Politics of Scholarship
Cord Whitaker, Wellesley College; Walter Pohl, University of Vienna
February 11, 2021 · 11:00 am · via Zoom
Medievalists of Color, Program in Medieval Studies, Humanities Council

The Medievalists of Color, the Program in Medieval Studies at Princeton University, the Division for Identity Studies at the Institute for Medieval Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, and the School of Historical Studies at the Institute for Advanced Study, launch a new series of online seminars entitled “Race, Race-Thinking, and Identity in the Middle Ages and Medieval Studies.” Funding has been provided by the Humanities Council at Princeton University.
The series of seminars convenes researchers based in North America and Europe in order to inspire and further establish reflections about race, race-thinking, and racialization among scholars of late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. A series of talks by Medievalists of Color will anchor what we hope will become a longer and wider conversation that spans various cultures and historiographies within Medieval Studies.
“Race, Race-Thinking, and Identity in the Middle Ages and Medieval Studies” strives to reach beyond disciplinary, geographic, and academic-cultural borderlines. Through intellectual exchange and nuanced multilateral criticism, we seek to develop a richer and more productive understanding of the medieval past as well as its legacy in our modern age.
Moderator: Michelle M. Sauer, University of North Dakota
Register here: https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0lcumrrzkoG9e7W3HcLooC_LHnQpiCQplB
Information regarding future seminars in this lecture series will be updated soon.
For any questions please contact: Sarah Porter.