Screening Rome as Empire Nostalgia in Takeuchi Hideki’s “Thermae Romae” (2012)
Department of Classics, Monica Cyrino
February 11, 2021 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · via Zoom
This presentation explores how Takeuchi Hideki’s Thermae Romae (2012) uses the epic cinematic site of ancient Rome to project and confront its empire nostalgia. Ancient Rome on screen has often functioned as a lens through which filmmakers of different nationalities could negotiate their relationships with the ideas of power and empire, and the screening of ancient Rome still influences the way nations can both promote their own identities and also reflect upon their past histories. The film Thermae Romae screens Roman antiquity in a new way in order to interrogate Japan’s current relationship, both proud and painful, with its memories of Empire.
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