Remembering Langston Hughes: His Art, Life, and Legacy Fifty Years Later
November 10, 2017—November 11, 2017 · 50 McCosh
Department of African American Studies

Remembering Langston Hughes: His Art, Life, and Legacy Fifty Years Later is a local and national forum on Langston Hughes. Since his death in May 1967, his art, particularly his poetry, has been invoked to articulate both some of the nation’s loftiest hopes and its deepest fears. The forum, jointly sponsored by several Princeton University academic departments, takes place over two days, November 10th and 11th, at Princeton University.
The conference will commemorate Hughes by exploring his art, life, legacy as viewed by many of the top Hughes scholars, literature scholars, biographers, writers and poets working today. Hailed in his lifetime mainly as the “Bard of Harlem,” he is now generally embraced as one of the most important poets speaking to, and on behalf of, all Americans.
The conference is free and open to the public.