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Publishers’ Panel on Open Access Book Publishing

Princeton University Library, Rupert Gatti, Open Book Publishers; Ros Pyne, Open Access Books, Springer Nature; Nick Lindsay, Journal and Open Access, MIT Press Zoom Meeting

October 1, 2019 · 11:00 am12:00 pm ·

In celebration of Open Access Week 2019, the Princeton University Library’s Scholarly Communication Office invites Princeton students, faculty, and staff to attend a panel discussion among open access book publishers. Topics will include: examples of open book publishing, the benefits and challenges of publishing open access books for authors and publishers, open book publishing services available from publishers, and potential roles for libraries and universities in OA book publishing.

The event will be a virtual event through Zoom. Please RSVP by Friday, Oct. 16. The zoom link will be sent a couple of days prior to the event.

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