M+M: Pelin Tan + Thomas Keenan: Architecture and the Rights of a More-Than-Human World
Bard College Pelin Tan and Thomas Keenan
October 5, 2020 · 5:00 pm—7:00 pm · Zoom and Facebook
M+M Program in Media and Modernity

Discussions of the relationship between human rights and architecture tend to focus on the destruction of buildings in conflict zones or the construction of shelters in emergency conditions. Sometimes critical evaluations of bad buildings—prisons and detention centers, border walls, military installations, etc.—are the topic of these discussions. These are all essential topics, but they are not the only ones.
Pelin Tan is an affiliated assoc.prof. of the Fine Arts Academy, Batman University (Turkey), Senior Researcher of the Center for Arts, Design, and Social Research and visiting 6th Keith Haring Art&Activism fellow of the Human Rights Program, Bard College, NY.
Thomas Keenan teaches human rights, media theory, literature, and directs the Human Rights Project as well as Bard’s degree program in Human Rights. He has served on the boards of a number of human rights organizations and journals, including WITNESS, Scholars at Risk, The Crimes of War Project, The Journal of Human Rights, and Humanity. He is the author of Fables of Responsibility, 1997; and with Eyal Weizman, Mengele’s Skull, 2012.