Mellon Forum on the Urban Environment: Environmental Exploitation // Indigenous Resistance
April 14, 2021 · 4:30 pm · Zoom
Princeton Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism & the Humanities
This panel discussion includes Andrew Curley, assistant professor in the School of Geography, Development and Environment at the University of Arizona; Sandy Grande, professor of political science and Native American and Indigenous studies at the University of Connecticut; Desirée Valadares, a Ph.D. candidate in architectural history at UC Berkeley; and Tiffany Cain Fryer, lecturer in the Council of the Humanities and the Department of Anthropology Cotsen Postdoctoral Fellow in the Princeton Society of Fellows at Princeton.
This event is part of the Spring 2021 Mellon Forum on the Urban Environment.
The Spring 2021 Mellon Forum on the Urban Environment is organized by Sophie Hochhäusl (Princeton Mellon Fellow) and Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor (African American Studies). The Mellon Forum is supported by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Princeton University Humanities Council, Center for Collaborative History, School of Architecture, and the departments of African American Studies, Art & Archaeology, and English.
Register here: https://princeton.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_F9nTWNmxTtq7gdfo9FbxKg