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Medieval Studies Graduate Conference – Reclaiming Losses: Recovery, Reconquest, and Restoration in the Middle Ages

Program in Medieval Studies

March 6, 2021 · via Zoom – Registration Required

The Medieval Studies Graduate Conference will be held over Zoom on March 6, 2021 with the following theme: “Reclaiming Losses: Recovery, Reconquest, and Restoration in the Middle Ages.”

This theme was developed prior to the global spread of the coronavirus. It is clear, however, that it now resonates with our collective preoccupations in entirely unexpected ways. We hope these resonances are uplifting and creative. We hope they will not only inspire new ways of thinking about the topic in its historical context, but also that they will help point our present thoughts to the future and to the ultimate recovery we know is to come.

The conference’s keynote address will be given by Professor Hussein Fancy, Associate Professor of History at the University of Michigan.

The CfP is provided below with a more detailed conference description. We warmly invite all interested contributors to submit a proposal abstract to Eric Medawar (emedawar@princeton.edu) by November 6, 2020. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either of the conference organizers, Eric Medawar (emedawar@princeton.edu) or Rachel Gerber (ragerber@princeton.edu).

The Program in Medieval Studies provides opportunities for graduate students from across departments and disciplines to participate in workshops, lectures, book clubs, and the annual Medieval Studies Graduate Conference. Please visit this link for more information.

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