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L’Avant-Scène presents: “Le Malade imaginaire” by Molière

Department of French and Italian Via Zoom Webinar

March 5, 2021 · 5:30 pm7:15 pm · Zoom

The Troupe of L’Avant-Scène will virtually perform its second play of the academic year, Molière’s beloved “Le malade imaginaire,” directed by Florent Masse.

The production features advanced L’Avant-Scène students; Nick Shashkini ’21, Anna Vinitsky ’21, Jason Qu ’21, Morgan Teman ’23, Peter Foster ’21, Isabelle Chen FIT, Gavin LaPlace ’23, Swas Goel, Sultan Habsi ’22, Marley Jacobson ’22, and Alex Deland ’21. Students will be performing the play live.

In French, the approximate running time 90 min. Event registration required.

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