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Is Population Growth a Problem: If so, What Would be an Ethical Response?

The University Center for Human Values Friend 101

October 21, 2019 · 4:30 pm6:00 pm · 101 Friend Center

Is the world’s present population, of around 7.7 billion, a problem that we should try to do something about? Should we be concerned at predictions from the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs that in 2050 the population will reach 9.7 billion and that it will continue to grow to nearly 11 billion in 2100?

If we think it would be better if the world’s population did not grow to this extent, we must face the practical question: what means may ethically be used to encourage others – often people with different religious or cultural values — to have fewer children?

This event will feature four speakers with expertise on different aspects of these questions.

For a list of speakers, visit: https://uchv.princeton.edu/events/population-growth-problem

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