CANCELED: (In)visibilities, Omissions and Discoveries: Archival Absences in Life Magazine and Beyond
March 23, 2020 · 4:30 pm · McCormick
Princeton University Art Museum; Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities; Humanities Council

In conjunction with the Princeton University Art Museum’s exhibition LIFE Magazine and the Power of Photography, the Princeton-Mellon Initiative in Architecture, Urbanism, and the Humanities, and the Humanities Council’s Archival Silences Working Group present a workshop on the construction of, and research utilizing, image archives. Panelists will focus on discoveries, invisibilities, and active omissions in a range of photographic (or photo-heavy) archives. Discussion will focus on the ways that archives like Life’s are constructed, who is represented in the archives, and who is absent. Collections considered will include Ebony, Jet, the Works Progress Administration, New Jersey newspapers, and more.
Participants Include:
Katherine Bussard (Princeton University Art Museum)
Erika Doss (American Studies, Notre Dame)
Julia Foulkes (History, New School)
Brenna Wynn Greer (History, Wellesley)
Alison Isenberg (History)
Allison Miller (JSTOR)
Kinohi Nishikawa (English/African American Studies; Archival Silences Working Group)
Emma Sarconi (Reference Professional for Special Collections, Archival Silences Working Group)
Open to members of the Princeton University community. To attend, please RSVP to jw42@princeton.edu