Inscribing Land Titles: Geographical Imaginations in Legal Texts
Drexel University Debjani Bhattacharyya
February 27, 2020 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · Jones 202
Comparative Antiquities; Program in Medieval Studies
Comparative Diplomatics Workshops are a faculty-graduate student working group of the Comparative Antiquities network at the Humanities Council, co-sponsored by the Program in Medieval Studies.
Join the Comparative Diplomatics Workshop with Professor Debjani Bhattacharyya (Drexel) presenting “Inscribing Land Titles: Geographical Imaginations in Legal Texts.”
Conveners: Tom Conlan (EAS/History), Helmut Reimitz (History), Marina Rustow (NES/History)
Coordinator: Brendan Goldman (JDS).
To receive announcements about the workshop and brief precirculated readings, email Brendan Goldman at bgg2@princeton.edu.
Upcoming Comparative Diplomatics Workshops:
February 6 (Thursday), 4:30-6PM
Umberto Bongianino (Oxford)
“The caliph and the monks’ cattle: an Almohad decree in favor of a Catalan monastery (1217 CE)”
Jones Hall 202
February 27 (Thursday), 4:30-6PM
Debjani Bhattacharyya (Drexel)
“Inscribing Land Titles: Geographical Imaginations in Legal Texts”
Jones Hall 202
March 3 (Tuesday), 6:30-8 PM
Helmut Reimitz (History)
“From Medieval Charters to Roman Law and Back Again. Some Examples from the Late Antique West”
Jones Hall 202
March 24 (Tuesday), 4:30-6 PM
Megan Gilbert (EAS)
“Curated Scrap Paper: Documents on the Reverse Sides of Medieval Japanese Diaries”
Jones Hall 202
April 14 (Tuesday), 4:30-6 PM
Miriam Frenkel (The Hebrew University)
“Rich Bride Poor Bride- Two Trousseau Lists from the Cairo Geniza”
Jones Hall 202
April 30 (Thursday) 4:30-6PM
Horikawa Yasufumi (EAS)
“Samurai’s Oath in Medieval Japan: From Princeton University Collection”
Jones Hall 202