Idyll and Utopia: A Virtual Zoom Conference—Day 1
October 8, 2021 · 9:00 am—3:00 pm · Zoom
Department of German; Program in European Cultural Studies; Department of Classics; Department of Art and Archaeology; Department of Comparative Literature; Program in Media and Modernity

9:00am (EST) Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Panel 1: Utopia and Idyll in Critical Theory
(Moderator: Barbara Nagel, Princeton)
9:30-11:00am Viewing Time
11:00-11:45am Discussion 1: Philosophical Perspectives on Idyll and Utopia
• Lea Fink (Berlin): Utopia and Remembrance Prospective Anticipation and Retrospective ‘Eingedenken’ in Bloch’s and Benjamin’s Philosophy
• Haziran Zeller (Kiel): Bloch, Adorno and the Nexus of the Whole
11:45-12:30pm Discussion 2: Utopia and Idyll in Literature and Critical Theory
• Gesa Jessen (Berlin): Small Town Glory. Adorno reads Mörike
• Vojin Saša Vukadinović (Berlin): To Begin Anew: Utopia as a Violent Anti-Idyll in Monique Wittig’s Les Guérillères (1969)
12:30-1:30pm Lunch/Dinner
1:30-3pm Keynote: Dr. Caroline Edwards (Birkbeck, University of London)
(Respondent: Devin Fore, Princeton)
Idyll & Utopia in the Era of Ecocatastrophe: Elemental Utopian Becomings