Hasan Minhaj in Conversation with Professor Kevin Kruse
February 7, 2022 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · Richardson Auditorium
Vote100; Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students
The Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students and Vote100 are honored to host a conversation between Hasan Minhaj and Professor of History Kevin M. Kruse. An accomplished comedian and performer, Minhaj has established himself as one of the most incisive cultural and political critics of our era. Kruse has written widely for academic and mainstream audiences to help readers develop a more nuanced and accurate understanding of American history, and how prevalent forces from the civil rights movement to current episodes of political polarization shape our national landscape. Minhaj and Kruse will talk about the intersection of history, politics, and culture in the modern world, adding a healthy dose of context and comedy.
As both Kruse and Minhaj have promoted the vital importance of an active and educated electorate, we are particularly looking forward to this event sparking campus dialogue and civic engagement in preparation for the 2022 election cycle. Vote100 Head Fellows Joe Shipley ’22 and Ana Blanco ’23 will serve as our hosts for the proceedings.