Fluid Futures Forum: Islands, Oceans and Volcanoes in Transformation
Curtis Deutsch, Kevon Rhiney, Anne McClintock, Ryo Morimoto,
October 11, 2023 · 5:30 pm—7:30 pm · 130 Corwin
Curtis Deutsch (HMEI, Geosciences), Kevon Rhiney, HMEI, Anthropology; Anne McClintock, HMEI and Gender and Sexuality Studies; Ryo Morimoto, Anthropology
Curtis Deutsch will talk about islands, walls and bridges based on his time in Panama. Ryo Morimoto will talk about the 2023 Nuclear Ghost: the flushing of contaminated water into the ocean in the long aftermath of Fukushima. Anne McClintock (HMEI) will talk with photographs about melting glaciers in Iceland. Kevon Rhiney and Tae Cimarosti will respond.