Exhibition Opening – Drawing on Ideas
Monica Ponce de Leon, School of Architecture
September 16, 2024 · 6:00 pm—7:30 pm · North Gallery, School of Architecture
School of Architecture

DRAWING ON IDEAS—Architectural representation is often misunderstood as a precursor to building: images that illustrate the architect’s ideas before they are given physical manifestation or merely as a roadmap for the production of architecture. The 77 drawings, collages, prints, and paintings from the collection of Cynthia Davidson and Peter Eisenman, included in this exhibition, use various media to pursue, work out, and construct ideas independent of the material reality of buildings. The collection gathers ideas that both transcend time—from Piranesi to today—and once brought together a group of architects at a particular moment around the Institute for Architecture and Urban Studies.
Opening at the Princeton University School of Architecture on Monday, September 16, and on view through December 16.