Ethics in the STEM Classroom
February 22, 2018 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · 004 Friend Center
The University Center for Human Values

Panelists will share where and how ethical concerns arise in STEM courses; how they enter the syllabus or conversation; what kinds of approaches to ethics, if any, they have found most helpful in framing these concerns; and how these concerns could potentially be more fully explored and addressed in further curriculum development or support. Chaired by Melissa Lane (Politics, UCHV)
Panelists: Jay Benziger (Engineering and Applied Sciences), Claire Gmachl (Engineering and Applied Sciences), Lori Gruen (Wesleyan, UCHV), and Andrew Houck (Engineering and Applied Sciences)
Co-sponsored by the School of Engineering and Applied Science, Council on Science and Technology, and the McGraw Center for Teaching and Learning