ECS workshop – The Right of Languages: Justice, Translatability, and Multilingualism
University of Arizona David Gramling
April 9, 2019 · 6:00 pm—7:30 pm · 209 Scheide Caldwell House
Program in European Cultural Studies

A workshop organized by the ECS Graduate Affiliate Working Group on Traveling Identities and Migration.
How have concepts and practices around justice, belonging, and citizenship been reformulated in the last thirty years around a particular vision of civic mono / multilingualism, while previous models of ethnic citizenship fell out of fashion, for instance, in Germany? What have been the consequences of this shift for various kinds of language-users and communities? Based on Chapter 4 (“The Right of Languages”) from his book The Invention of Monolingualism (Bloomsbury 2016), Gramling will encourage collaborative discussion in this workshop around contemporary paradigm changes in citizenship, rights discourses, and normative civic subjectivity. After a brief, ten-minute introduction from the author, those who have read ahead of time will have an opportunity to pose pointed questions on the texts’ arguments; those who wish to come to learn and share their informed perspectives from their disciplines, backgrounds, and experiences are also most welcome to join the discussion.
Dinner will be served.
RSVP to Liana Pshevorska (liana@princeton.edu) by April 3.