Chasing Colonial Ghosts: South Korean Attempts to Bring Closure to Pro-Japanese Issues
Rikkyo University, Tokyo; Hallym University, Ch'unch'on, South Korea Mark E. Caprio
February 10, 2021 · 4:30 pm—6:00 pm · Zoom
Program in East Asian Studies

A lecture and Q&A with Mark E. Caprio who is professor of the College of Intercultural Communication at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, Japan.
This presentation, a part of a larger project investigating Japanese colonial dregs in liberated Korea, is designed to 1) trace this history of efforts to sweep from Korean society pro-Japanese elements, and 2) use the example of Korean collaboration to complicate the issue of trying nationals for actions under foreign occupation deemed by a liberated society to be anti-patriotic.
Register here: https://princeton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rdOmrqzIsH9MPQu24wD6kGErcpoiEP9O3