Amazonia Inc., A Series by Estevão Ciavatta
Environmentalist and Agricultural Engineer Beto Verissimo
October 11, 2018 · 4:30 pm—7:00 pm · Bowl 01, Robertson
Screening and discussion of Amazonia Inc. (with English subtitles). The forest peoples, the “anonymous” and forgotten societies of the Amazon, are having to organize themselves and form legal entities to confront the big corporations that, with the support of the governments, invade their territories.
Followed by a discussion with Beto Veríssimo, a senior researcher at Imazon, an NGO think-and-do-tank based in the Brazilian Amazon that he co-founded in 1990.
Co-sponsored by the Council of the Humanities, the Princeton Environmental Institute, the Program in Latin American Studies, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, and the Department of Anthropology.