A Symposium on the Work of Patrice Nganang
Patrice Nganang, Author
October 6, 2022 · 9:30 am—5:00 pm · Prospect House, Presidential Dining Room
Department of English
Panel 1:
Jean-Michel Devesa, Writer (University of Limoges, France): Minorizing the French language in the work of Nganang [in French]
Peter Vakunta (Defense Language Institute-Foreign Language Center, Monterey-California): Is this French? The Task of Teaching Nganang’s Temps de chien
Bertrand Eric Oka Kouame (University of Abidjan-Cocody, Ivory Coast): Patrice Nganang, a writer between theory and practice [in French]
Panel 2:
Armelle Touko (Akindra Editions, Yaounde): Generation Change and the House of Writers
Roger Fopa (University of Maroua/Université de KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa): On the experience of building school classes in Yaounde
Nsah Mala (Aarhus University, Denmark): Dog stories and the Anglophone question
Food will be served, please list any allergies or dietary restrictions.
Please contact mandrie@princeton.edu if you require any special accommodations in order to attend.
Sponsored by: The Department of English, the Department of French and Italian, the Department of African American Studies, the Department of Comparative Literature, Lewis Center for the Arts, and the Humanities Council.