“A Gigantic Glittering Dome of Stars”: Ansel Adams and the Value of Wilderness
Rebecca Senf, author; Katherine A. Bussard, Princeton University Art Museum
August 20, 2020 · 5:30 pm · Zoom webinar
Princeton University Art Museum
Ansel Adams arrived in Yosemite as a fourteen-year-old tourist in a wilderness wonderland; over the next ten years of exploration he cemented a meaningful and lifelong connection to the natural world that informed both his environmentalism and his photography. Rebecca Senf, author of the recent Making a Photographer: The Early Work of Ansel Adams, will talk about the photographer’s experiences and how they can be seen in his artwork. Moderated by Katherine A. Bussard, the Peter C. Bunnell Curator of Photography.
Free registration at https://princeton.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_z8jpCw3jQWiwVpouYX623A (when prompted, click to sign in as “attendee”)
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Spanish-language live closed-captioning for this program is made possible by the Rapid Response Magic Project of the Princeton University Humanities Council.