Council Programs Offer Fall 2023 Undergraduate Courses

April 16, 2023
Photo by Denise Applewhite, Office of Communications

Undergraduates can enroll in a range of courses offered by the Humanities Council in Fall 2023. With a strong grounding in interdisciplinary study, these innovative courses offer hands-on experience of material culture and artifacts, often taking students outside the traditional classroom setting. Students have the opportunity to engage with emerging fiends of study, and learn from faculty, scholars and practitioners from across the humanities, creative arts, and social sciences.

The Council is the academic home to five unique undergraduate certificate programs, including European Cultural Studies, Humanistic Studies, Journalism, Linguistics, and Medieval Studies.

European Cultural Studies

Courses in the Program in European Cultural Studies are open to students from all majors, with no pre-requisites.

For more information and cross-listed courses, visit the course offerings website.

Humanistic Studies

The Program in Humanistic Studies offers courses that are broad based, interdisciplinary, and often team-taught. They have no prerequisites and fulfill requirements toward the interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies certificate. 

  • HUM 216HUM 217 Interdisciplinary Approaches to Western Culture I: Literature and the Arts, History, Philosophy and Religion
    Beatrice Kitzinger (coordinator); Supratik Baralay; Katie Chenoweth; Andrew Feldherr; Simone Marchesi; Esther Schor; Lecture T, W, Th 10:00-10:50 am; Precept T, Th 1:30-2:50 or 3:00-4:20 pm
  • HUM 233 / EAS 233 / COM 233 East Asian Humanities I: The Classical Foundations
    Brian R. Steininger; Trenton W. Wilson; T, Th 11 am – 12:00 pm
  • HUM 247 / NES 247 Near Eastern Humanities I: From Antiquity to Islam
    Daniel J. Sheffield; M, W 10:00 – 10:50 am; Precept TBA
  • NEW! HUM 315 / CLA 315 / GHP 325 / CHV 325 Bio/Ethics: Ancient and Modern
    Brooke A. Holmes; Joseph Fins, M.D.; Th 1:30-4:20 pm
  • HUM 335 / EAS 376 / HIS 334 A Global History of Monsters
    Federico Marcon; M, W 11:00–11:50 am; Precept TBA
  • NEW! HUM 353 Indigenous Peoples and Christianity
    Emma Anderson; T 1:30-4:20 pm
  • HUM 365 / PSY 365 Freud on the Psychological Foundations of the Mind
    Susan L. Sugarman; T, Th 11:00 am – 12:20 pm

For more information and cross-listed courses, visit the course offerings website.


The Program in Journalism offers popular seminars that draw on the world’s most distinguished journalists as faculty. Courses are open to students of all concentrations, have no prerequisites, and fulfill requirements toward the undergraduate certificate in journalism.

  • NEW! JRN 280 The Literature of Fact: Writing about History
    Joshua Prager; T 1:30 – 4:20 pm
  • JRN 445 Investigative Journalism: In-depth Reporting
    Joe Stephens; W 1:30 – 4:20 pm
  • NEW! JRN 447 Politics and the Media: Foreign Policy, Public Opinion and the Press
    Keith B. Richburg; Th 1:30 – 4:20 pm
  • JRN 449 International News: Migration Reporting
    Deborah Amos; W 1:30 – 4:20 pm
  • NEW! JRN 460 War Reporting: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
    Jane Ferguson; T 1:30 – 4:20 pm

For more information and cross-listed courses, visit the course offerings website.


Undergraduate students are invited to pursue a certificate or an independent concentration in the Program in Linguistics.

  • LIN 201 / CGS 205 Introduction to Language and Linguistics
    Christiane Fellbaum; M, W 10:00-10:50 am
  • LIN 235 Mythbusting Language
    Milena Šereikaitė; T, Th 3:00-4:20 pm
  • LIN 260 / AFS 262 Languages of Africa
    Florian Lionnet; M,W 11:00 am-12:20 pm
  • LIN 302 Syntax
    Byron Ahn; M, W 11:00 am-12:20 pm
  • LIN 306 The Structure and Meaning of Words
    Laura Kalin; T, Th 3:00-4:20 pm
  • LIN 310 Intonation: Melody in Language
    Byron Ahn; M, W 1:30-2:50 pm
  • LIN 356 Experimental Linguistics
    Alexander Göbel; T, Th 1:30 pm-2:50 pm
  • LIN 360 Linguistic Universals and Language Diversity
    Laura Kalin; T, Th 11:00 am-12:20 pm
  • LIN 400 Junior Seminar
    Florian Lionnet; M, W 3:00 pm-4:20 pm

ASL courses

  • ASL 101 Beginner’s American Sign Language I
    Daniel Maier; C01 M, T, W, Th, F 9:00 am-9:50 am, C02 M, T, W, Th, F 12:30 pm-1:20 pm
  • ASL 105 Intermediate American Sign Language
    Noah Buchholz; C01 M, T, W, Th 9:00 – 9:50 am; C02 M, T, W, Th 12:30 – 1:20 pm
  • NEW! ASL 205 American Sign Language Literature
    Noah Buchholz; T, Th 11:00 am – 12:20 pm

For more information and cross-listed courses, visit the course offerings website.

Medieval Studies

The Program in Medieval Studies allows students to pursue concentrated interdisciplinary study of the Middle Ages to earn an undergraduate certificate. In fall 2023, students can enroll in several cross-listed courses, which fulfill requirements for the certificate program. For a full listing of cross-listed courses, visit the course offerings website.

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