Watch the full video here.
The second of two Gauss Seminars in Criticism this fall was delivered as a public lecture and faculty seminar by Michael Hardt, political philosopher and Professor of Literature at Duke University. The title of his two-day visit was “Globalization and Resistance.”
On Tuesday October 15, in the public lecture “Empire 20 years on,” Hardt revisited the ideas around globalization, domination, and the social movements the emerged to resist them, that he and co-writer Antoni Negri presented in Empire (Harvard 2000). He then talked about the need for the intellectual search for new forms of social arrangement and movement against new situations of empire today.
On the following day, Hardt’s seminar for Princeton faculty and postdocs extended the previous day’s ideas on global order, capitalist society, and new forms of resistance.
Find out more about the Gauss Seminars here.