Direct Eye Contact: How Bears Have Eluded John McPhee

March 5, 2018

John McPhee, Ferris Professor of Journalism in Residence, has been a contributor to The New Yorker since 1963.  In the March 5 issue, he writes about his longing to see a bear in his backyard meadow.

“My ambition to see one in my own back yard came extremely close to success on the eleventh of August, 2016. My wife, Yolanda Whitman, was sitting in the living room and happened to look up. A bear came out of the trees and started across the meadow. And where was I at this milestone of a moment? I was in a basement recording studio in a new building on the Princeton campus making a podcast about Princeton basketball with Mitch Henderson, the head coach.”

Read the full story in The New Yorker

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