Calendar of Events

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Building Life: Spatial Politics, Science, and Environmental Epistemes

Various Princeton

Building Life: Spatial Politics, Science, and Environmental Epistemes is a two-day symposium that examines how entanglements between the interdisciplinary fields of the built environment and the sciences have transformed concepts […]

Lecture & Reading by Louise Kennedy

James Stewart Film Theater, 185 Nassau Street Princeton

Award-winning writer Louise Kennedy presents “Trespasses: Fact, Fiction and Memory,” a lecture based on her bestselling novel Trespasses, which won the British Book Awards Debut Novel of the Year, the […]

Film Screening: Perfect Days by Wim Wenders

Taylor Auditoium, Fick Chemistry Building

The critically-acclaimed Perfect Days will be screened for free, to the University community on November 10 at 6:30 pm, well prior to widespread North American release. Hirayama seems utterly content […]

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