Calendar of Events

Virtual Students Welcome Event


Meet the Center’s director, faculty associates, interact with fellow students, and learn about our upcoming events. Open to Princeton Undergraduate and Graduate Students from all departments with an interest in the scholarship of Iran and the Persian Gulf region.

Interrogating Biases at LIFE Magazine


A live webinar roundtable of Princeton voices from across disciplines which considers the ways intersectional biases persistent in the US in the middle of the twentieth century informed Life magazine. How, for example, can editorial thinking about race, Christianity, gender, and heteronormativity be located the magazine’s photographic agenda, journalistic intentions, and historic reach? Moderated by […]

Virtual Seuls en Scène 2020: Pistes

Online NJ

Franco-Senegalese playwright and dramaturg Penda Diouf reads her most recent play about resilience that is both intimate and political, Pistes (Tracks). Directed by Aristide Tarnagda, this monologue about the courage to come face-to-face with one’s own demons is also a roadtrip across Namibia, site of the first genocide of the 20th century targeting the Herero […]

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