Calendar of Events


Latin America Today: Upheavals and Repression, Part II

219 Aaron Burr Princeton

This roundtable conversation explores the current political landscape in Latin America. With a focus on Puerto Rico, Colombia, and Mexico, discussants will address the roots of social unrest and state of repression, and offer insight into the major challenges facing each nation.

Presentation and Panel Discussion: Christopher Thornton

TBD Princeton

Christopher Thornton, Director of the National Endowment for the Humanities Division of Research will visit Princeton to present NEH funding programs and to moderate a mock peer-review panel. Humanities faculty and post-docs interested in learning about funding opportunities available from the NEH are invited to this behind-the-scenes look at a panel evaluation of a grant […]

Mellon Forum: Displacement

School of Architecture, South Gallery

This panel will consider how ritual and performance can serve as a response to survive or subvert acts of displacement, the ways in which architecture, urban space, or aesthetics are instrumentalized to produce dominating forms of national and racial identity as well as exclude those who are not represented by these hegemonic forms of life, […]

Embracing the Dragon: Greece Becomes the 17th Plus 1

103 Scheide Caldwell 103 Scheide Caldwell, Princeton

Sophia Kalantzakos, Global Distinguished Professor in Environmental Studies and Public Policy at New York University-Abu Dhabi, is a Fung Global Fellow, 2019-20, at the Princeton Insitute for International and Regional Studies. She pursues interdisciplinary research focused on environmental governance, public policy and geopolitics, especially resource competition and climate change as threats that are reshaping power politics across the […]

M+M: Recorder: The Marion Stokes Project

Betts Auditorium

A film-screening and discussion with director Matt Wolf For over 30 years, Marion Stokes obsessively and privately recorded American television news twenty-four hours a day. A civil rights-era radical who became fabulously wealthy and reclusive later in life, her obsession started with the Iranian Hostage Crisis in 1979—at the dawn of the twenty-four-hour news cycle. […]

Ciné-Club Presents: La Jetée (1962) and Toute la mémoire du monde (1956)

Rocky-Mathey Theater Rockefeller College, 203 Madison Hall, Princeton

Chris Marker's La Jetée (1962) Chris Marker's La jetée is a landmark of science-fiction filmmaking, a 28-minute masterpiece told almost entirely in still frames. An unnamed man is a prisoner in the aftermath of World War III in post-apocalyptic Paris, where survivors live underground in the Palais de Chaillot galleries. Scientists research time travel, hoping to send test subjects to […]

Don’t You Know?

Taplin Auditorium

A night of Chinese poetry by the female poet Li Qingzhao 李清照 (1084-c.1155 CE) through music First performance of the endangered Changzhou recitation tradition outside China.

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