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Sex and Work and Love in America and Abroad

May Jeong, Visiting Ferris Professor of Journalism

Thu, 11/7 · 12:00 pm1:20 pm · 16 Joseph Henry House

Program in Journalism
May Jeong sitting at a table.

May Jeong will discuss the transnational nature of sex work, how it intersects with immigration, colonialism, and American empire-building abroad, its ties to vagrancy laws, Progressive Era reform, and ideas around madness and labor

May Jeong is a Vanity Fair staff writer. She is the author of the forthcoming narrative nonfiction book THE LIFE: Sex, Work, and Love in America. Anne McClintock is the A. Barton Hepburn Professor of Gender and Sexuality Studies and the High Meadows Environmental Institute.

Please RSVP for this event; space is limited. This talk is open to University faculty, students, and staff.

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